Developing entrepreneurial skills in a law course: experience with a “Hackathon”
entrepreneurial competencies, Hackathon, entrepreneurship in law, student engagement, teaching techniquesAbstract
This article aims to present the experience conducted at Mackenzie Presbyterian University of implementing a learning model known as "Hackathon" for law school classes. In 2012, the university mandated that all undergraduate courses should develop entrepreneurial competencies. However, law students exhibited low engagement and disdain for entrepreneurship education. The applied methodology follows a qualitative approach based on a case study of the law school, presented as an experiential report, with results observed before and after implementing a "Hackathon" during the 2023 Legal Week. The findings reveal a significant increase in student engagement, with the voluntary registration of 132 groups comprising approximately 500 students. Additionally, there were 1000 views on the Instagram account created for the challenge, participation of around 1500 students in award ceremonies, and students selecting entrepreneurship professors for new research, outreach, and guidance for final projects (TCC). This article expands teaching techniques for entrepreneurship professors in non-business courses.
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