The role of entrepreneurial universities in the development of the Sorocaba Innovation Ecosystem:

the cases of UFSCar and UNISO


  • Neila Conceição Cunha Nardy Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Daniel Bertoli Gonçalves Universidade de Sorocaba



entrepreneurial university, academic entrepreneurship, Innovation ecosystem


The study is of a descriptive nature and has a qualitative approach (Richardson, 2008). The article aims to analyze which actions developed by the two institutions characterize them as entrepreneurial universities. Specific objectives were defined as follows: to identify the entrepreneurial actions developed; to relate these actions to the theoretical framework of entrepreneurial universities; and to identify the role of these universities within the Sorocaba innovation ecosystem. The research method used was the case study (Yin, 2001). Two cases were analyzed: the Universidade Federal de São Carlos and the Universidade de Sorocaba. Data collection was conducted through of documentary research in internal regulations and secondary sources of both universities related to innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology transfer. Based on this data, the actions developed by both universities were identified. The results highlight the actions that characterize UFSCar and UNISO as entrepreneurial universities and shed light on the role of these institutions within the Sorocaba innovation ecosystem, where both universities are actively engaged.


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Author Biography

Daniel Bertoli Gonçalves, Universidade de Sorocaba

Agricultural Engineer, Ph.D. in Production Engineering, Professor in the Graduate Program in Technological and Environmental Processes at the Universidade de Sorocaba.


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