From Satisfaction to Repurchase: an analysis of Post-Pandemic E-commerce from the Brazilian perspective


  • Helen Caroline Almeida Santos Instituto Federal de São Paulo
  • Eduardo Mangini Instituto Federal de São Paulo



satisfaction, technology acceptance, repurchase intention, structural equation modeling


As technology advances, the world of online shopping has gained prominence and become increasingly present for consumers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, directly influencing people's consumption patterns. Given this, this paper analyzed how the coronavirus pandemic has shaped Brazilian consumer behavior in the e-commerce scenario. The article's research problem is related to the importance of satisfaction with the website and acceptance of technology in generating repurchase intention, with moderation in the willingness to trust. The general objective is to analyze the perspective of consumer behavior concerning e-commerce in the post-Covid-19 pandemic scenario in Brazil. The method used for the study is quantitative and adopts a descriptive approach to examine the main theme. The descriptive survey had one hundred and ninety respondents and applied structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 4 software to determine the relevance of the relationships, following a previous conceptual model. The research yielded results that indicated correlations showing that customer experience, satisfaction, and the feeling of certainty and security provided play interconnected roles, which influence each other in the e-commerce scenario. This also made it possible to analyze mutual influences and impacts and even whether any of them can anticipate the likelihood of satisfactory performance in the consumer experience, not limited to just one purchase, considering the possibility of adopting this behavior in the consumer's daily life.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Mangini, Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Professor do IFSP - São Roque

Pós Doutorado em Marketing pela Universidade do Minho

Doutorado em Marketing pela Universidade Nove de Julho e Universidade do Minho

Atua na área de marketing, comportamento do consumidor, métodos quantitativos e marketing de serviços


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