The constitutional remuneration ceiling and the distribution of royalties at the University of Brasília
Technological Innovation Center, Intellectual Property, Constitutional LimitAbstract
The University of Brasilia is a Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institution - ICT under public law that is supported by the Innovation Law. The Technological Development Support Center of the University of Brasilia – CDT/UnB is a Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institution – ICT governed by public law and supported by the Innovation Law. The center was founded with the aim of encouraging technological innovation in the country. Qualitative, exploratory research was carried out to analyze the applicability and practical operability of what determines the Federal Constitution, the Innovation Law and its relationship with the role of public law ICTs in accordance with the objectives of the resolutions of the University of Brasília (CONSUNI nº 0006/2020 and CAD nº 0005/1998) and Law nº 12.772/2012, on the structuring of the Career Plan and Federal Teaching Positions, combined with Law nº 8.112/90, which provides for the legal regime of civil servants of public foundations such as the university. The research presents data with the survey of protected and licensed technologies and interpretation of norms within the scope of the career of the federal public researcher. With the research, it is possible to conclude that the University plays a fundamental role in the protection and competitive positioning of intellectual property assets, as well as in the development of innovation, with the need to develop strategies for mapping the payment of royalties to servers so that they are in line with the constitutional remuneration ceiling.
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