The fundamental technical and behavioral competencies for the digital transformation in organizations: exploring the history of conducts


  • Gabriel Galvão de Lacerda Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Paula De Camargo Fiorini Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Cristina Lourenço Ubeda Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Human Resources, Competencies


With the advancement of technology and organizations, demands related to people have also evolved. This advance has resulted in more complex, intelligent organizations, and the Industry 4.0. Thus, the competencies needed to lead and impact society and the economy productively need to be better understood. This research aimed to analyze the history of conducts on fundamental competencies of professionals involved in the process of digital transformation in organizations. To this end, in addition to a systematic literature review, two interviews were conducted with professionals from companies that have initiatives related to Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. As the main results, the systematization and classification of the competencies found through the literature review and the understanding of the opinion of professionals involved in digital transformation in companies stand out. The findings demonstrated the importance of technical competencies in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, data science and simulations; while, among behavioral competencies, continuous learning, proactivity and willingness to learn, curiosity, adaptability, creativity and attitude were highlighted. It was found that human aspects are fundamental in digital transformation. Thus, despite the relevance of technical competencies for technological implementation, behavioral competencies also influence the success of the digital transformation process, being for some the main aspect sought in a professional. Finally, it was possible to understand the benefits and needs of organizations for the development of professional competencies for digital transformation.


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