The Use of the Delphi Method in Creating an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable University Model


  • Ana Claudia Lara
  • Simone Sehnem
  • Luana Lara Prado





Abstract: To analyze relevant indicators about the essential elements and characteristics of a Sustainable Entrepreneurial University based on the opinion of specialists. Theoretical approach: The objective was analyzed from an integrated perspective of the concepts of entrepreneurial university and sustainable university, which allowed grouping a range of characteristics and essential elements for validation and expert consensus. Methods: Predominantly qualitative approach, in terms of design, it is based on bibliographical research. After building the theoretical precepts, a lack of consensus was identified among researchers on the subject, so the Delphi methodology was applied, which relies on seeking the opinions of specialists in the subject studied. Results: As for the summary, the relevant indicators that obtained the greatest consensus to compose a sustainable entrepreneurial university are: Integrated entrepreneurial culture, qualified faculty, engaged academic communities, search for diversified funding, inclusion of entrepreneurship and sustainability disciplines in the curricula, having research centers connected, internationalization, encourage local economic diversity, adoption of sustainable business practices, energy efficiency, alternative transportation, encourage education and well-being, care for the surrounding community, how to monitor access to clean water and good wages. Conclusions: It was possible to rank the TOP 5, indicators by analysis dimension that reached a higher average, lower standard deviation and higher median and thus reach the consensus of experts and relate the theory, in addition to performing a qualitative analysis from open questions, including dimensions that were not foreseen in the closed questionnaire, thus enriching the construction of essential indicators.


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