Development of a web tool to guide the request for a Biotechnological Patent Application
Desenvolvimento web;, Pesquisa;, Propriedade Intelectual;, Pedido de PatenteAbstract
This technological article addresses the planning and development of a website and aims to present the step-by-step process to apply for a patent application at the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI). It is configured as the second stage of a research that resulted in the need to plan a web tool for guidance on how to file a patent application. The research adopted an exploratory methodology, as it seeks to solve a problem. With the result of this research, the steps taken for the elaboration and development of a website type product were presented to guide about the necessary steps to carry out the deposit of a Patent application at the INPI, since the institute's website has a comprehensive subject and more complex manuals. , causing a time-consuming reading and requires more time to understand. The product of this technological research was registered on the website "'', and as it is a website it is not a patentable product, its legal security lies in the registration and ownership of the domain
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