Reason or Emotion?
Neuromarketing, Gender Relations and Consumer Behavior
Neuromarketing, Advertising, Consumer behavior, Feminine gender, Male genderAbstract
Understanding what goes through the minds of consumers is a strategic point for companies. Neuromarketing is a study that has provided a better understanding of human behavior, making it possible to identify factors that impact individuals when they have relied on brands, products or viewing advertisements. Therefore, the general objective of this research was to investigate the behavioral similarities and differences between men and women in the face of stimuli arising from neuromarketing applications. For this, a quanti-quali descriptive research was carried out, 42 individuals participated (21 men and 21 women) located in the Northeast and Southeast regions of the country The main results found show that both guidelines, reason and emotion, are the main factors that guide the purchase process of the female and male gender when purchasing a product. In addition, it was also possible to observe that women were more influenced by watching commercials and advertisements than men. The relevance of this research is given as it is possible to understand how consumers, whether female or male, behave in the face of marketing strategies, the media and advertising actions.
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