The Costs of Sexual and Moral Harassment for Women's Corporate Careers
Assédio Moral, Assédio Sexual, Gestão de Pessoas, Equidade de Gênero, Carreira FemininaAbstract
Historically, the division of labor was structured according to the power relations established between genders, attributing reproductive areas to women and productive areas to men. The insertion of women in roles generally belonging to men re-signifies the power relationship and opens precedents for oppressive interactions. In this context, this research aims to identify what are the interferences faced by women in the rise in their careers after suffering moral or sexual harassment. To achieve this goal, we interviewed 12 women who have been victims of moral and/or sexual harassment during their corporate careers. As main results, we highlight that layoffs, resignation requests, changes of areas, changes of position, lawsuits and the consideration of reducing positions and salaries were the main interferences faced by these women during their trajectories. In addition, through the reports, it was possible to identify abusive behaviors and the distribution of positions in the organizational hierarchical structures as common points in the profile of the harassers.
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