Mothers in home office:
The challenge of work and childcare during the Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19., Trabalho remoto., Home office., Maternidade.Abstract
This study investigated the impacts of the new routine of childcare on professional activities, experienced by mothers in the home office, with children up to 12 years old, in the context of the Covid-19 crisis. This is qualitative research conducted through semi-structured interviews with 12 research subjects, in which the thematic content analysis method was applied. The research revealed the intensification of the overload of housework and childcare when accumulated with paid professional activities. It was observed that feelings of fear and anguish that marked the beginning of the pandemic were transformed into sensations of mental fatigue and stress, provoked, above all, by the impossibility of establishing a routine and the sharing of a single space for the various spheres of life. This article has highlighted how a pandemic context further highlights the already existing situation of inequality between men and women. Despite being inserted in public spaces of paid professional work, previously dominated by men, women need to unfold in numerous domestic obligations and childcare traditionally associated with them. In this sense, the article may contribute to broadening the debate about the advantages and challenges of mothers who work at the home office. Despite bringing the advantage that mothers can accompany their children and be more present, this work configuration must be evaluated more broadly, since mental overload and stress can lead to losses in the quality of those pleasurable moments.
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