Business Ethics and Sustainability:
An analysis of the perception of managers about the Upcycling production model
Ethics, Sustainability, Upcycling, Production ModelAbstract
The purpose of this paper was to research the Upcycling production model from the perspective of innovation and ethics for sustainability. Using this model, companies transform waste into new products, creating a new life cycle with greater added value, within the precepts of the circular economy. The research is qualitative, whose method chosen was the case study in an exploratory format. For data collection, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis of three small companies that adopted the model as a means of production were carried out. The results indicated that upcycling is still a niche and the companies that adopted it as a means of production generate profitability in line with ethical principles regarding environmental awareness and concern for future generations. It is an innovative and ethical alternative for companies to be able to minimize or cancel their impacts on the environment, but it requires a systemic development in the market in order to expand it. Considering that upcycling is still underdeveloped in Brazil, the analysis contributed to expand the investigations on the model.
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