Mulher macho, não senhor!
A Case Study about the Perception of Female Managers and their Peers about the Female Management Model
gestão organizacional, gestão feminina, estudo de caso, análise de conteúdoAbstract
This study aims to analyze the perception of managers and their peers about the characteristics of a managerial model and how the gender is associated with this model, the study seeks to discuss together the theory if the female management model is impeditive to high positions direction management. Therefore, the concept of organizational management and current studies on women's management were addressed in the theoretical framework. As a case study, this work is characterized as qualitative and descriptive research, with data collection through semi-structured interview and deductive-verifier-objective analysis, being configured as content analysis. As for the limitations, the managers' run-time routine results in short interviews as well as the number of managers available in the organization, reflecting on a limited number of interviews.
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