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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. Obs .: The paper can come from Thesis, Dissertation, Monographic works, or congress article, as long as they have been significantly modified. In this sense, the measure is no more than a 3% similarity in the CopySpider anti-plagiarism software.
  • The manuscript is formatted according to the template file of RASI. The submission file must be in Microsoft Word format (doc, docx or rtf). Submissions in other formats will be rejected in the desk review phase.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors on the page About Journal.
  • The submission should not be identified under any circumstances. If sources of tables or references allow identifying the authors, they must be removed and informed to the editor in a complementary field of the submission.
  • The text is between 6,000 and 9,000 words and follows a structure with an introduction, concepts (literature review), methods, presentation of results, discussion, and conclusion, beyond bibliographical references and attachments (if necessary).
  • The abstract must use a maximum of 250 words and follow the structure of item 3.1 of standard NBR6028:2003 for informative summaries (objective, method, results, and conclusions of the document). Abstracts that follows the standard of the Emerald publisher (purpose, design/methodology/approach, results, practical implications, practical and original implications/value) or IMRad method (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) are also accepted.
  • The author(s) are aware that in being approved there is an article processing fee in the amount of R$ 300.00 (three hundred reais) for the publication (value updated after July, 1st 2021) to manuscripts submitted after this date.
  • We suggest that the draft has at least two references from papers already published in the RASI (or justification, if there are no articles in the submission area that can be referenced) and that at least 90% of the references are of indexed scientific articles.
  • The draft is formatted according the template of RASI.
  • Check if the use of language models (Large Language Models – LLMs, such as ChatGPT) or generative artificial intelligence, as per the journal's policy, has been informed, when applicable.

Author Guidelines

RASI accepts academic contributions in the form of technological and scientific articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish (at the discretion of the authors) that are of interest to the Administration's knowledge field and the firm administrator and the public administrator performance, according to its editorial policy.

We recommend the template in MS Word to the scientific and technological papers.

Manuscripts should be formatted in the Word for Windows 6.0 or higher format, A4 format, single-spaced, Times New Roman font, body 12. Top, left, bottom, and right margins equal to 2.5 cm, and may not exceed the minimum limits and maximum of 6,000 to 9,000 words, respectively, covering all elements (title, abstracts,  text body, references, annexes, and appendices, when applicable).

The figures, tables, or tables must be presented in the text body, near the place where they are mentioned (main file).

Files and contents of text and figures and tables must not contain authorship identification. If it is possible to identify the author or co-authors, the article will be rejected.

Special editing features like underline, hyphenation, macros, indents, and more, should be avoided. Italics should be reserved for words in foreign languages. Highlighting words and symbols should be done in bold.

Titles and subheadings should be written in bold.

Notes should be avoided.

The presentation of the manuscript (which will contain the body of the text and will be submitted in the main file) should follow the following format:

Unidentified cover sheet: For papers in Portuguese, title in Portuguese and English, followed by abstract in Portuguese and in English. For papers in English, title in English and Portuguese, followed by abstract in English and then in Portuguese. For papers in Spanish, title in Spanish, Portuguese and English, followed by the abstract in Portuguese and English. The abstract must be justified and in a single block, containing no more than 250 words. The abstract should be written concisely and clearly. It should include: the purpose of the research; the theoretical basis adopted; the methodology and approach adopted (where appropriate), the theoretical and empirical scope, the results found in the data analysis (where appropriate); practical implications, i.e., what changes should be made to the administration practice as a result of the research (if any); social implications of research, its impacts on society and public policies (if any); originality and value of the work, including the theoretical and methodological contribution; and the limitations identified in the research process (if any). After the abstract, the works in Portuguese must present between three and five keywords in Portuguese and the corresponding keywords in English. Papers in English should contain between three and five keywords and the corresponding keywords in Portuguese. Finally, documents submitted in Spanish should present between three and five keywords, and the same keywords in Portuguese and the English keywords.

Text body: The text body should appear on a new page. Do not start a new page with each subtitle. Note that the conventional parts of a theoretical-empirical scientific article should include: introduction, theoretical references, methodological procedures, results and analyzes, conclusion, references, and optionally, appendices. The theoretical reference must necessarily cover the relevant national and international scientific production of the last five years. Appendices should be used as little as possible.

Quotations: Whenever a source is used, the surname(s) of the author(s) and year of publication should be cited. In the case of direct quotes, the reference page should be mentioned. All cited sources should be mentioned in references after the end of the last topic.

Figures, tables, and pictures: Titles and captions (when necessary) must be in the body of the text next to the figures, tables, and pictures.

Rules for submission of work: The use of APA standards is mandatory (version 6.0 or 7.0). We strongly encourage all authors, readers, and reviewers to read and apply the ANPAD's Handbook of Good Practices in Scientific Publication (in Portuguese). ANPAD is the Brazilian Association of Graduate Courses in Administration.

To submit the article, the first author must necessarily register in the RASI. In the registration process, the author must choose the author category beyond the reader category.

After registering, to submit an article, the author should access the RASI from his login and password and opt-in the user page for the author category. Next, the author(s) must choose the online submission option on the page ABOUT. In the procedure of submission, the first author will be asked to fill in the cadastral information of the co-authors.

Acknowledgments must be inserted during the process of submission by the first author in the field "Development Agencies."

The contents of the signed papers are the sole responsibility of the authors. 

Submission of manuscripts: Papers must comply with editorial policies and guidelines for authors adopted by RASI. The evaluation of the articles received will follow the process of double-blind evaluation by the ANPAD's Manual of Good Practices of the Scientific Publication. Policies and instructions for authors are available at The papers must be submitted only through the page of the Review of Administration, Society, and Innovation, without any identification.

Evaluation process: After submission, the paper will be evaluated according to the peer review process by the ANPAD's Manual Good Practice Manual of Scientific Publication. The journal reserves the right to ask the authors for possible changes in the texts approved for publication. The first author will follow the editorial process, receive requests for changes, and submit revised versions of the article via RASI's electronic publishing system, from his login and password, in the author's user category.

Evaluation process: After submission, the article will be evaluated according to the peer review process, following guidelines from ANPAD's Handbook of Good Practices of Scientific Publication. The journal reserves the right to ask the authors for possible changes in the texts approved for publication. The first author will follow the editorial process, receive requests for changes, and will submit revised versions of the article via RASI's electronic publishing system, from his login and password, in the author's user category.




INTRODUCTION: Text aiming to elucidate who the case is for, for example, company or sector (commenting briefly on the same) and containing a contextualization of the chosen theme (the content that led to the construction of the case).

CASE DESCRIPTION: The information may be subdivided into topics, as the author deems convenient. Report the primary information about the case, such as the market in which it operates; products and services offered; brief history; location and organizational structure; mainly competitors; customers and suppliers, etc., according to the theme of the case.


The case may include more than one theme to be worked on in a class, depending on the information contained in it. In this sense, it is essential to comment on which themes will be worked on in a class in which the case will be used. What disciplines does the case fit into? Level of students for whom the case is intended (graduation? Master? Executive training?).

Comment on the methodological procedures in terms of sources (primary and secondary), instruments, and forms of data collection.

At least 02 questions should be proposed that encourage discussion in the classroom and that are based on the main theoretical content described in the educational objectives.

This item should include a review of the current literature on the theoretical foundations on the topic and sub-themes addressed in the case, as well as the analysis of the case (discussion). They can be separated into sub-items depending on the theoretical content to be explored.

List the works used in the Case and the Teaching Notes using the current APA rules

Include references that are interesting for the student to be able to have enough information from the theoretical framework to solve the case.




The editorial process is composed of the following phases:

1- Editorial review (desk review): The editors of RASI evaluate the submitted content regarding the adequacy of the policies and strategies of the journal. Then an editor is assigned to follow the evaluation process.

2 - Revision 1 of version 1 (R1 -> V1): The responsible editor appoints evaluators until he obtains at least two complete evaluations. Then it can: 1) reject the article; 2) approve for publication; 3) request adjustments/changes/improvements in the article, within a defined period (usually 30 days), always subsidizing the authors with adequate and relevant information.

3 - Revision of version 2 (R2 -> V2): Upon receiving V2, the editor must evaluate the adjustments and can refer back to the evaluators of V1. Then you must approve or reject the work.

4- Publishing: A step made by the editors and the supporting team in which the manuscript undergoes final adjustments besides being verified in anti-plagiarism software (currently the magazine uses the Copy Spider and Plagius). This final version (VF) is sent to the authors for approvals and adjustments. Finally, this version is transformed into Acrobat Reader (pdf) and published in the online session first. During this process, the authors must pay R$ 300,00 (three hundred reais) as Article Processing Charge (APC). The Editor-in-Chief will send the information about the payment to the primary author in a specific email.

Obs.: Papers published in English will have the APC value covered by the journal. The manuscripts could be submitted in Portuguese and after approval be traslated to English to be published in two languages. The translation can be done by specialized companies, professional translators or the authors themselves. RASI will evaluate the final text and may refuse the English version.

5- Online first: Temporary file, without page numbering and DOI published on the RASI website.

6- Final publication: In the process of launching the magazine edition, the DOI and the page numbering are assigned according to the order of articles. Finally, all material is published.

Scientific papers

This category covers papers that report on any type of research undertaken by the author(s). The research may involve the construction or testing of a model or framework, action research, testing of data, market research or surveys, empirical, scientific, or clinical research.

Technical papers

Work focused on the use of theoretical models as a way to present and unveil knowledge, knowledge, and praxis about organizations. It is important that this paper presents one of the following points:

Focus on innovation: the authors' develops new solutions to new problems;
Focus on improvement: the authors' develops new solutions to known problems;
Focus on extrapolation: the authors' extends known solutions to new problems.

Literature review

Paper with the main objective of identifying, organizing, analyzing, and/or criticizing the literature on a specific topic. It should cover the main contributors to the development of a theme and explore its different views.
Papers with bibliometric analysis techniques are accepted as long as they bring some additional contributions to the studied field. Preferably the construction of an analytical framework, model, or method that can be explored by other authors.

Teaching Cases

Although there is no strict and unique structure for Teaching Cases, we recommend that the papers submitted in this section be structured under two broad axes (or parts): the case in question; and teaching notes (essential for their application in the teaching-learning environment).

The structure proposed for the Teaching Case:
- Introduction that exposes the problem situation to be debated;
- Presentation of the case (history itself), with the description and/or profile of the organization and conduction to the problem situation;
- References

Proposed Structure for Teaching Notes:
- Teaching Objective
- Sources and Methods of collection
- Relations with the objectives of a course or discipline
- Disciplines suggested for the use of the case
- Possible tasks and/or issues for implementation
- Possible organization of the class to use the case
- Suggestions for bibliography

Theoretical Essays

Paper focused on the discussion and development of theories. It should not be confused with "bibliographic review". The theoretical essay must, necessarily, advance in relation to the literature employed, bringing clear contributions to the field of knowledge.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.