AI Supports Cleantechs' Organizational Agility and Resource Orchestration
Inteligência Artificial, Agilidade Organizacional, Orquestração de Recursos, Cleantechs, Objetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelResumo
The business environment approaches the use of technologies to broaden its range of competitiveness in the market. Studies demonstrate through Artificial Intelligence new competitive paths and how these can orchestrate technologically sustainable resources. This paper aims to present a proposition model that identifies how Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances Organizational Agility (OA) for Resource Orchestration (RO) in the context of clean technology companies and sustainable development goals (SDGs). A qualitative, multiple case study research was conducted with 22 semi-structured interviews from 17 clean technology companies in the areas of renewable energy, energy commercialization, energy efficiency, sanitation, and water treatment. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. AI encourages AO to OR, also pointing out new categories (findings) such as: Technology and Digital Skills, System Dynamics, and Accuracy for developing innovative products and services in Cleantechs. This study contributes to the literature with a new model of AI and OA, Orchestrating Resources through Digital and Technology Competencies, providing Dynamics between Learning Systems and Accuracy for the development of products and services that aim to collaborate with the SDGs. Illustrate the strategic paths that Artificial Intelligence can take from the perspective of Machine Learning to address solutions for the energy and sanitation sectors, providing innovations. The originality of the work lies in the contextual articulation of the work between AI, AO and OR in the context of clean tech companies and SDGs.
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- 2023-05-08 (2)
- 2023-05-01 (1)
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